Fall 2003
Check out the following places all the information you did not quite get in class. Remember, there is no substitute for class attendance! Six week sections click here. |
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Six week sessions: Remember, there is no substitute for class attendance! |
Home Page / Group Communication / Sample Exam / Hot list / About Alisa Shubb / Public Speaking / Guest book |
Professor Alisa Shubb
Phone: 484-8468
Office : D311
Office Hours Fall 2003: MWF 11-12 , TR 12:15-1:15 by appointment
Speech 331 provides an introduction to small group communication. We will examine the major theories which seek to explain the nature of small group interaction, with emphasis on small group dynamics, processes, and decision emergence. Through a variety of activities, primarily group activities, you will have the opportunity to observe, analyze, evaluate, and participate in the small group decision making process. Your ability to understand and apply the theories presented will depend upon your commitment to class involvement and participation. Preparation and class attendance are without a doubt required!
#1 - Midterm .............................................................. 100
#2 - Group Presentation ........................................... 100
#3 Group prepared research synopsis.....................50
#4 Problem/Solution Paper............... .. ..75
#5 Group Analysis Paper...................................... .75
#6 Participation/Class assignments/Logs.............. ..50
- Preparation and class attendance are required absences are not excused.
- NO late papers, presentations or make up exams are accepted. Students with verifiable illnesses or other grave circumstances should contact me before the scheduled due date to discuss possible arrangements.
- Students failing to attend or actively participate in their project groups will be removed from the group and will forfeit the group presentation grade.
- Students must take responsibility for submitting their own drop requests.
- The recommended prerequisite for taking this course is eligibility for English 1A; students are expected to demonstrate an equivalent level of writing and speaking proficiency
- Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate students' test-taking needs.
Grades will be tabulated on the following scale:
Grading Scale: |
A = 450 - 405 |
B = 404 - 360 |
C = 359 - 315 |
D = 314 - 270 |
F = 269 and less |
Professor Alisa Shubb
Phone: 484-8468
Office : D311
Office Hours: W 5:00 - 5:45 PM and by appointment
SPEECH 331 - GROUP COMMUNICATION (6 week session)
As a courtesy to those commuting from work, we will take a 20 minute "dinner" break from 5:30 to 5:50. In addition we will take a 15 minute evening break around the 8:00 hour, the exact time to be varied based on what we are doing in class at that time.
N. Engleberg & Dianna R. Wynn, Working in Groups: Communication
Principles and Strategies, Third Edition; Houghton Mifflin Press
In addition, you will receive a copy of the Student Packet. Bring the Student Packet to EACH class meeting!
5:30 – 5:55, dinner break
7:45 - 8:00, evening break
Tuesday |
Thursday |
to Class & Small Group Dynamics |
& Listening Introductions
Seeking |
8/26 Topics:
Forming & Conflict Readings: Chapters
7, 9 & 10 Activities: Winter
Survival Problem
solving model |
8/28 Topics:
Group Formation & Development Individual
Member Leadership Readings: Chapters
2 , 8 & 11 Activities: Fishbowl
observations |
9/2 Topics:
projects Activities: Ice
Breaking Topic
refinement Research Assignments: Begin
observation logs |
9/4 Topics:
& Critical Thinking Readings:
12 & 14 Activities: Compilation
of research Brainstorming |
9/9 Topics:
Setting & Problem Solving Readings: Chapter
9 Activities: Mission
Statements Assignments: Group
Prepared Research Synopsis Due
9/11 Activities: Structured
Group Work Outlining Readings: Chapter
15 |
9/16 Activities: Structured
Group Work Assignments: Problem/Solution Paper Due
9/18 Activities: Summary
& Practice Assignments: Exam
9/23 Assignments: Group Presentations
9/25 Assignments:
Logs & Summary due
Answered directly by your prof. Alisa Shubb
Is Speech 331 an easy class to get an "A" in?
Not really. While the material you are learning is not the most difficult to understand, the amount of work you have to do in this class is very high. The majority of your grade comes from the group project, therefore you must work very hard to come up with an excellent project. The exams in my class are not tricky, but you must study and be prepared for them. Your writing skills must be up to par also in order to do well on the papers. Finally, you MUST come to class. That said, "A"s are definitely achievable.
What happens if I do not like the group I am assigned to?
The groups in this class are assigned at random, so there is an equal chance that you will initally enjoy or be uncomfortable with your group. This mirrors real-world situations. It is your job to avoid sticking with your initial notions of your group (stereotyping) and try to explore the areas and goals you have in common. It is extremely rare that a group that tries its best to work together cannot.
Do we have to take a group grade on the project even if everyone does not do his or her fair share?
Yes. Part of the group project assignment is work out difficulties with in you group. If there are problems with certain group members, I will advise you on how to remedy the situation.
What if we have a group member who never shows up?
Excessive absences will result in a member being dropped from the class with no penalty to the group.
What if one member fails to show up just for the presentation?
Anyone who fails to show up for the group presentation will not be considered part of the group and will not receive a grade for the presentation.
Can I pass the class without doing the group presentation?
Assuming you have paricipated otherwise in the groups and have enough experience from that participation to be able to write the papers, and have done well on the exam, you would be able to pass the class with a "D".
My printer has been acting up, my hard drive crashed, my roommate has been ill... Can I turn in my paper late or untyped?
If you think you have a question that may qualify as frequently asked - please post it with you name in the guestbook. Questions may also of course be asked in person. See you in class.............
Guest book / Student Bulletin / Home Page / Group Communication / Sample Exam / Hot list / About Alisa Shubb / Public Speaking
Copyright Alisa M. Shubb, 1999