Exam Information
Listening - Spring 1998
The following are some sample questions to help you practice for the exam. Although they may not be the actual exam questions, all the material on this practice exam will in one form or another be on your exam, so learn it well. To check your answers, simply click on your answer choice, then click back to return to the sample exam.
Your exam will consist of 4 parts: seven multiple choice questions worth 1 point each, two fill in questions worth 4 points each, two short essays worth 5 points each, and one long answer worth 15 points. Here is the long answer question as it appears on your exam:
Part I - Multiple Choice:
1. Communication is NOT
2. The definition of listening does NOT include:
3. Beyond the sender and receiver, a complete model of communication would have to include
Practice short essays:
Correct each of the following statements and briefly explain why they are untrue. (Hint, your answer can be checked by consulting the 10 axioms section of your book.)
Part IV - Long answer
Draw an original model or diagram of listening . Be sure to include 1) the major components of the listening process, 2) the variables which effect listening, 3) an account for how the process occurs. Label all relevant parts of your diagram.
(15 points)
Got it? Good luck!
1. Be able to give an example of when each of the types of listening (discriminative/comprehensive, evaluative, empathic, appreciative) would be most appropriate and outline the main steps the listener should take in order to be effective in this type of listening
2. Be able to name and describe note taking techniques:
- outlining
- precis
- fact/principle
- mapping
3. Be able to name and describe memory theories (why we forget):
- fading theory
- distortion theory
- suppression theory
- interference theory
- processing breakdown theory
4. Be able to name and describe memory techniques:
- loci
- link
- peg word
- mneonic devices (acronyms & acrostics)
- categorical clustering
- chunking
- rehearsal
5. Be able to name and give an exanmple of unacceptable premises
- easy refutability
- a priori false
- inconsistency between premises
- vagueness/ambiguity
- faulty assumptions
- begging the question
6. Be able to name and give an example of irrelevant premises:
- straw man fallacy
- ad hominem attack
- guilt by association
- appeals to ignorance
- appeals to popularity
- slippery slope argumentation
7. Be able to name, describe and give an example of each of the listener responses:
- advising
- interpreting
- sympathizing
- probing
- understanding
8. Know these acronyms:
A1. static. Communication is dynamic, the opposite of static.
A2. encoding. Encoding is part of the process of sending a message.
A3. message, channel, feedback, environment, fields of experience