(#1)1. physiological - in order to fill any other needs we must first fill the basic needs for food, air, water, shelter, etc.
(#1) 2. "the degree to which the consequences of your behavior match your intentions" is the definition presented in class of interpersonal effectiveness.
(#1) 3. stereotyping involves acting upon your expectancies about other based upon their perceived categories.
Stereotyping is the result of cognitive biases stemming from illusory correlation between group membership and psychological attributes. It involves a series of actions taken based upon these correlations. Cataloging is the natural cognitive process of placing things (and people, etc) into recognizable catagories.
(#1) 4. substantive conflict is generally constructive while affective conflict can hurt feelings. Substantive conflict, defined as "intellectual opposition to the content of ideas" is necessary to problem solving and is constructive. Affective or emotional conflict may be somewhat inevitable but should be avoided by avoiding name-calling, insults, and the like. For more information, see conflict.
(#1) 5. Questioning/Probing. Seeking additional information is an example of the questioning/probing response. Examples of other responses might be:
"I would just forget it if I were you..." - advising/evaluating (gives advice)
"Good idea" - advising/evaluating (gives evaluation)
"You will feel differently about it later" - analyzing/interpreting (gives an analysis)
"That is really tough luck!" - reassuring/supporting (gives support or reenforcement)
"You can do it." - reassuring/ supporting (gives assurance)