Highlighted concepts represent those you must know in the proper order
Delivery Styles - define and know benefits / drawbacks of each
Elements of Communication (see model) know all functions of each element
Active Listening (know order, significance of each stage & difficulties listeners experience in each stage)
Thesis Statements:
Demographic audience analysis (know what it is and what you use it for
Purposes of Using Visual Aids (also know basic principles for using visual aids)
Oral Citation of sources:
Elements of a good speech : ETHOS, LOGOS, PATHOS (know what each is, how it works, how to enhance)
Informative Organizational Patterns (know what principle each uses, be able to recognize from a given thesis)
Elements of Persuasion (Persuasion = Argument + Motivation)
Define Argument
Types of claims
Audience Interest Levels:
Audience position on policy (know how each audience type affects your specific purpose & techniques used to adapt well to each)
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (know structure, each need & concepts of using reward/carrot or punishment/stick appeals) listed below in order from bottom to top
Monroe Motivated Sequence