CMN 1 will introduce you to the fundamentals of oral composition and delivery, focusing on methods for improving your skills as a communicator and public speaker. You will be involved in a variety of activities designed to enhance your understanding of speech preparation and delivery including lectures, reading assignments, in-class presentations (speeches), papers, exams, written and oral critiques.
Required – Stephanie Coopman & James Lull, Public Speaking: The Evolving Art.
Recommended - Motley, Overcoming
Your Fear of Public Speaking : A Proven Method.
STUDENT PACKET: required & available to purchase through Classical Notes
1. Deliver four (4) speeches
2. Take final examination - 100 (23% of total grade)
3. Write two (2) critical analysis papers - 30 each (6% of total grade each)
4. Participate in discussions/critiques/impromptus, etc 50 (11% of total grade)
(450 points possible - straight percentage determines final grade)
There are NO MAKE‑UPS for any missed speech, critique, exam or
paper. Students with doctor
verified illnesses or other grave circumstances must contact their TA before
the due date of the assignment to discuss possible arrangements.
Students will arrange their scheduled speaking days in advance during section
meetings; incomplete required written work, absence, or lack of preparedness on
a day in which you were assigned to speak will result in a zero for that
Attendance in section is a requirement and attendance at lecture is highly
Students with audible cellphones, pagers, etc will be asked to leave.
There is no “extra credit” available in this course. Grades will NOT be rounded up or down